Our commitment to Te Ao Māori

We are on a journey to better understand and practice Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga. We partner with Kaupare Consultancy to deliver a professional development programme, which is offered to all staff to improve our knowledge and skills in relation to Te Reo Māori and Te Ao Māori.

Te Kuhunga

Te Kuhunga

Inspired by Chief Justice Rt Hon Dame Helen Winkelmann, Te Kuhunga is targeted at Year 11 to 13 students from decile 1 to 4 secondary schools in MC’s Crown warrant area in Auckland. The programme is focused on students who have been identified within their school as having the potential to become lawyers. MC has played a leading role in developing and supporting Te Kuhunga, with generous support from Stephen Hunter KC, Gilbert Walker, Brian Dickey, Matthew Harris, University of Auckland and AUT.

How does Te Kuhunga work?

How does Te Kuhunga work?

Te Kuhunga consists of the following components:

School visits: MC lawyers visit schools to talk about day-to-day life as a lawyer and what it’s like to study law.

Office visits: Students visit MC to discuss their aspirations and plans with partners and lawyers, and participate in discussions about a topical legal issue.

University open days: Held at AUT and University of Auckland Law Schools, students attend lectures and tutorials and are invited to participate in a moot (a court-style debate).

Scholarships: With the support of valued sponsors, scholarship recipients are awarded $8000. Successful recipients will be enrolled in Part One law courses and would otherwise experience significant financial hardship studying at University.

University mentoring: Scholarship students are matched with an MC mentor in their first year of study, receiving one-on-one support and group study sessions. Work experience days are also available to students, when they can shadow their mentor at work and in court.

For more information about Te Kuhunga, please contact tekuhunga@mc.co.nz.

Toi Toi

Toi Toi

Throughout the school year, MC connects with our younger community through the Toi Toi literacy programme.

Toi Toi journals are published every term, and MC sponsors Toi Toi by donating journals to affiliate schools in Auckland and Wellington. Staff visit year 5 and 6 children during the term where they make lasting connections while reading the latest issue of the Toi Toi journal together. 

For more information about Toi Toi, click here.